What is Autonomous Linux operating system?

autonomous linux

Autonomous Linux is creating a buzz nowadays since Oracle has announced its autonomous operating system on September 18, 2019 successive to its autonomous database launched in 2018. With this announcement, the autonomy has actually realized when autonomous database will really ride on an autonomous operating system. Amazingly, Oracle Autonomous Linux is the only autonomous operating system across the world. Many computer users are excited to know about what is this autonomous Linux Operating System all about? This article explains the term in simple language which can be easily understood by a naive computer user.

The Oracle Autonomous Linux operating system is specifically developed for serving Oracle cloud infrastructure only. Thus, enhancing Oracle cloud service capabilities to next level. Secondly, it means as an end user you cannot install Oracle Autonomous operating system on your computer.

This autonomous operating system is an upgraded version of existing Oracle Linux operating system. This major upgrade abolishes human intervention for operating system configuration and maintenance tasks. This means there is no chance of any human error. The system can keep on running indefinitely without occurrence of any down time.

The Autonomous Linux system use machine learning techniques to learn about the operations they need to perform under certain circumstances. They then actually perform the required operations themselves. For example, the system when detect an available upgrade or patch, will apply them automatically without needing any click on “update now” or similar button or type a command by the user. Certainly, this autonomous operating system marks a new generation in computer technology.

Benefits of Autonomous Linux Operating System:

  • Zero down time due to automation of operating system maintenance tasks such as applying security patches, updating packages, etc.
  • No reboot of operating system or physical machine required due to modified settings or upgrades.
  • Cost effective for businesses in terms of reduced IT team for server administration due to elimination of human labor.
  • Prevention of business loss due to zero down time of services provided by an organization.
  • Enhanced security and reliability due to real time automatic application of security patches and automatic encryption.
  • Highly improved  availability and scalability as there will be no downtime.
  • Enhanced productivity due to zero human errors in absence of human intervention for configuring and maintaining the infrastructure services.

Oracle Autonomous Linux operating system is hundred percent compatible with IBM’s Red Hat Enterprise Linux. That means, every application which can run on Red Hat Linux will run on Oracle Linux without any combability issue.

It is a highly fault tolerant system with tolerance for hardware failures, storage failures and network failures. Surely, at present Oracle is the only organization across the World which has an autonomous operating system. However, they have shown a vision and paved a way for developing autonomous operating systems in future. Machines with autonomous operating system are on their own without needing any human support for maintenance. We can hope that in due course of time open source versions of the same would be developed and made available for free use by some great open source enthusiasts across the world.

Also Read: What is Cloud Computing?

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